By Solomon Yakubu Kaze
The various strategic gates to the University of Jos are usually a beehive of activities especially on Mondays as both staff and students are stuck of the gates due to the regular COVID-19 protocols and security checks.
The various entrances at the Bauchi Road Campus are usually filled with students trying to struggle their way into the campus.
Similar to the pedestrian gate at the Naraguta Campus, Unijos Echo observed that the passage to the Faculty of Arts is always filled with the struggle to gain access as the same door serves as both the entry and exit for both staff and students.
This situation, to some students, is an uncomfortable development as it causes exhaustion and late entry to class while others believe that the process is essential to ensure adequate security check and health to the University community.
In a cross-sectional chat with students and staff, John Okoro, a student of the Department of Agriculture said eight o’clock lectures are very important and the security staff should be considerate with the high level of checks at the gate when the population waiting to enter is large.
Also, another student, Veronica James from the Department of Nursing said that the main gate should be open to students to enable them to make it to class early.
Another respondent, Miss Isah said the checks at the entry into the Faculty of Arts is for the best interest of students through it brings about delay as to getting into the class, since lecturers are not checked. She added that if another door could be opened, it will help reduce the congestion at the Faculty of Arts entrance.
Also, the security men were not left out as this seems to be a concern for all. Lazarus Adamu, a security man for the pedestrian gate in the Bauchi Road Campus said they are facing a challenge at the pedestrian gate as students don’t comply with the set rules by the University when entering the gate. “They are supposed to present their identity cards as well as wear a facemask, student or staff”. Also, he added that it is a rule by the University that students who are not properly dressed should be denied entrance because “some students dress half-naked and wear crazy trousers.” He added that if students comply effectively with the rules, there won’t be a reason to deny them entry. He confirmed that when the congestion at the pedestrian gate is much, they open the wider gate for entry.
Another security man in the Faculty of Arts who identified himself only by the name Awolusi, said the checking at the entrance is a rule set by the Faculty management that all students of the institution seeking entry to the Faculty must present his or her identity card that will be displayed at the entrance.
He added that there are other entry and exit doors into the Faculty but a single door is being made use of because there are records of illegal entry of people who come into the school and are not students for various unserious reasons. He counseled that students be obedient in following the rules self by the Faculty of Arts by showing their ID cards and wearing their facemasks. Also, he advised that students should come very early to school since they know that they have to be checked before gaining entry.